RISK. Jamila Drott, Ekta & Joakim Stampe. Galleri Thomassen 2012


Gallery visitors are invited, as is customary, to the opening of the exhibition the first day. But on this day, guests will be greeted by a surprise in the gallery. This event, in which the public are involved in a performance, marks the start of the exhibition. With this action the audience will for a moment be in the artist’s situation – a situation where artists and audiences share the same starting point: An empty room to be filled.
During the exhibition’s second day the artists begin to work inside the gallery. The gallery will during the next few days stay open longer hours and later than usual as the opening hours are determined by the artists’ working hours. The gallery is transformed into a studio, while the studio – workplace, will be a showroom. Based on the idea that art to a degree is always site-specific the project aims to see what happens when we lift off the studio´s secure base – from the process. The exhibition is an experiment to investigate what happens to art and the work process when we change its basic premises.